Friday, April 26, 2013

36 Weeks

My love,

I can happily say you are feeling yourself again.  You had many who were asking about you and how you were feeling.  We are so very loved and blessed.  

You did feel up to celebrating your Aunt Jenny at her Bridal Shower.  You were a hit of course besides your Grand making a toilet paper dress for me to wear.  It was a competition and you will learn it's no doubt we won ;o)

It was great to see Jenny showered with gifts.  I am SO glad she will be apart of our family.  We love her.

This week your Dad planted the garden from the seedlings I have grown and some seeds  we bought.  We cannot wait to feed you the fruits of our labor.  You are still eating all your fruits and veggies.  You are drinking water more too.  This makes us happy.  We have a very strong opinion on what we want going into your little body.

We had a fun evening out just you and me tonight.  We can have fun anywhere.  Thank you for brightening up my life and reminding me that no matter what my day or week might have been like I have a beautiful family.  I have a loving husband, a mom that is always there, and the best girl friends on the planet (some who are quite literally across the planet).  These people keep me centered.  You keep my head in the clouds.

I love you,

Saturday, April 20, 2013

35 Weeks

Hello my heart.

It started as a gorgeous week.

Lots of outside time.

Lots of walks.

Lots of play.

Then Thursday afternoon a fever came out of nowhere. I monitored you the best I knew how and had a chat with your doctor's nurse. If no symptoms occurred after 24 hours and you still had a fever I was to take you in. That ended up being the case...and walked away with a virus diagnosis. Ears were clear, throat was a bit red. They tested you for strep and flu to be sure and both were negative. So now I just keep doing what I'm doing. I know you will be 100% soon. This is sadly just part of life.

I love you my sweet monkey.


Thursday, April 11, 2013

8 Months (Part 2)

Last night we had an impromptu Mommy and Me shoot with your Aunt Brooke, Ian, Averie, Aunt Jess and Reme.  There is not much more I can say than I am beyond thrilled to have these women in your life.  We love them so much and their babies.

I could not ask for more in my life than what I have today.

You are my heart.

It was a perfect evening.  Spring is in full bloom.

First time to wear shorts :)
Waving bye-bye

Best friends make best babies.

                                      I look forward to watching you 4 grow up together.

She's gonna boss you around one day like a little Momma and it's going to be wonderful to witness...
You were practicing your raspberries for the camera

My brown eyed boys.

You are one lucky and loved little boy.

I love you,

**All photos by the amazing Brooke Kelly.**

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

8 Months

Happy 8 Months Harrison!!

You have been changing so much.

You love to be outside.  You are going to get your dose of outside this weekend.  We are getting the garden ready! 

You stick out your tongue and blow raspberries and you love to scream and squeal.  I egg you on most of the time.  You also wave bye bye and some of the time even say it.

You are standing more and finding your balance.  You have went from laying to sitting yesterday and no one saw how you did it.

You rode on my back in your new Ergo carrier yesterday.  We are getting used to it for quick trips to the zoo and walks in the park.  Carrying 20 pounds on my back will hopefully whip me into shape.

You enjoyed your first swinging experience over the weekend.  It was fun to swing with you.  Swinging is still one of my favorite things if I ever get the chance.

You stir every morning around 6am.  I scoop you up and bring up to bed and we snuggle for about 30 more mins.  Some mornings you doze back off and I watch you sleep.  Some mornings I want to dose back off and you talk to the ceiling fan or talk to your Dad if he is still in bed.  And the best mornings are when we both dose off together.

It's been another amazing month being your Momma.  Thank you for being my sunshine.

I love you,


Friday, April 5, 2013

33 Weeks

Dear Harrison,

The cold Spring days had us inside most of the week.  Luckily Easter was warm comparably speaking.  (Sorry for the impromptu post on Easter but I could not help myself.  It was a wonderful day!  Only thing missing was your Dad.)  I did forget to mention that you had your picture made with the Easter Bunny.  You wanted his bow tie :o)

I have debated on buying you a few things lately.   One of them being a walker.  I didn't want to invest much because you won't be in it very long so I went with a recommendation from a cyber mom friend in Seattle.  You have not figured it out yet but you will my sweet!!

The forecast looks perfect over the next days.  I know I talk a lot about the weather but your Momma is a nut for warmer temps...but she is more nuts about you!

I love you,