Friday, May 31, 2013

41 Weeks

Dear Harrison,

This week has been amazing. I had off and we did all sorts of things. Best of all you went on your first boat ride on Center Hill Lake and your second on Tim's Ford Lake. 

At Tim's Ford we camped too. It was in a camper which was a first for us both.  We had only planned a day trip but since I had the time off I thought why not stay if our hosts would let us. 

You played by the campfire.

You touched your first fish.

You played with a flash light early in the morning.

You rode in a kayak.

You played in the river.

You loved the rocks and fishing worms.

You were my little outside boy.

Laying beside you listened to the rushing water and as you played and played with rocks might be my favorite moment with you yet.  I've played this same way with your dad on a few occasions.  We skipped rocks on Lake Como.  It was another favorite moment of mine.  We picked a good rock to take home to add to our memory collection...

The next few days we will rest.  You are so very worn out.  But it was all worth it.

I love you,

Friday, May 24, 2013

40 Weeks

My dearest Harrison,

Well it is've been out as long as you were in.  It's hard to imagine but just like my pregnancy, time is flying away!!

This week you've been doing so much!  We had a fun filled weekend with party after party.  You have been to "help" me get a pedicure and been to your first graduation ceremony.  One of your favorite people graduated from high school.  You loved seeing him and the whole processional you were jumping and laughing.  But once the speeches started and applause happened you lost it.  It's not like you at all to cry.  You clinged to me for your life.  So your great-grandfather took you outside for peace and quiet. 

We are so proud of Houston and know we know that you are not ready for Neyland Stadium yet.  But soon you will understand that cheering is fun cause you already have your clap and "touchdown" nailed!!

Tonight we met three other favorites.  My best friend from high school, Ashley, her son Hess and her momma.  I have not seen Mimi in years as she lives in Texas and her visits are short and jammed pack but this visit we got to see her and you loved her.  She taught you how to "bump" and you thought it was hilarious!  We met them at their favorite popsicle place in 12th South - Las Paletas.  Oh my they are wonderful...we got you a mini banana pop to try.  Pretty sure you were sold and was not happy when I took it away but you went right ahead with your dinner and bottle while I enjoyed my peanut butter popsicle dipped in Olive and Sinclair chocolate.  *yum*

Memorial Day weekend is here which means much more of fun dates like this...

I love you my sweet,


Friday, May 17, 2013

39 Weeks

Dear Harrison,

I'm still on cloud nine from the weekend we had.  Friday night your Dad spoiled me with some presents from you both and we had a nice dinner out.  It was a great way to start the weekend.  He worked a lot due to the fact it was a BIG weekend to work at his restaurant.   So on Sunday Grand and I took you to the zoo.  You got nibbled on by a bird, squealed at the elephants, kicked a goat, and rode your first carousel.  Then you crashed out long enough for Grand and I to enjoy some lunch at a local burger joint on the patio.  It was a beautiful and relaxing day with no agendas or obligations. It was perfect.

Like I have said previously you are into everything.  I'm glad you are not going to any museums anytime soon.  I'll have to keep you up on my hip if we venture anywhere too cluttered.  I'm kind of a minimalist so you go for things like my paper stash.  You also will find the tinest piece of trash on the floor.  You like to pick grass and do not like being told you cannot pick my flowers.  Of course the most fun things for you to try to get to are cords and plugs.  You've  noticed the stairs this week too. 

Your naps are changing.  Hannah and I are trying to cut out your morning nap because come August at school you will have one 2 hour nap after lunch.  So this week you have cut your afternoon naps so we just gotta flip your schedule. There are no books that are the tell all of parenting.  I just go with my gut like I have been from the beginning and you are doing just fine and we have some time to get you there. 

May has been a busy, busy month.  But I promise that June will be relaxing my love. June is one of my favorite months.  Not just because it's my birthday month but it means the pool is finally warm and friends hanging by the pool is quite possibly the tops of my favorite activities.  You are going to love it.

We are off to a Gender Reveal Party have a new friend on the way!!

I love you to the moon and back,

Friday, May 10, 2013

9 Months

Happy 9 months Harrison!!

You have been changing so much over the last month.  You are crawling on your knees now.  You are pulling up on things.  You are into everything.  This much more mobile lifestyle brings on more crashes and falls.  It is a part of it my love.  You are going to have bumps and bruises.  We don’t make a big deal over the falls so you know you are ok.  We stand up, brush you off, and move on.  I let you play alone (I’m of course in the room supervising) but you play well.  It is a nice time to just watch you.   We don’t speak, I do not fuss over you, we just “be” together.  You want to be read to when you are getting close to a nap.  I pretty much have many of the books memorized now so we sometimes just sit and I recite them.  It is great you want to be read to over wanting other things.  I hope it continues.  We are outside much more these days.  You have a swing now and you love it.  It’s one of those things I dreamt of when I thought of my family - a swing in a tree.  One of those milestones that makes my motherhood all I hoped it would be. 

Two weeks ago we had a bad storm come through.  Your dad was at work this night and we had gone to bed.  After being asleep a few hours lightening crashed outside.  It jolted me awake and I heard you crying out.  I ran in and scooped you up not hesitating to bring you into bed with me.  I laid there with you in my arms protecting you from the thunder and lightning and having a moment.  A moment where I knew this would be what I do in years to come.  You will be protected from any storms that frighten you.  I remember being comforted in this way and I will do the same for you.

This weekend is my first Mother’s Day.  Being a mother will have many faces throughout the years.  Right now I am your caregiver and life support.  I will become your hand holder to cross the street.  I will be a mother that can only kiss you when no one is looking.  I will be your disciplinarian and we will butt heads because of this.  And down the road when you are a true adult we can be friends.  I’ve seen this cycle with my mother and brother and one day you will understand all of the times I told you “no” to a party or I wouldn’t let you spend the night with someone whom I never met their parents you will know I did that out of love.  A dear friend told me that if you didn’t resent me during your adolescence then I was doing something wrong.  I have to agree with her.  Giving into your every wish will not do you any justice and you will have a harder time growing up and becoming who you are meant to be.   But that is years off and this weekend I will enjoy the milestone that I am being celebrated as a mother.  Thank you for making me one.

I love you,

**More from Harrison's 9 month session with Brooke Kelly here.**

Friday, May 3, 2013

37 Weeks

My Harrison Thames,

Every day this week you have spent hours outside. We have walked, played on the deck and in the yard. Besides you I know of other being that loves that we are outside more...that's your puppy Duke. He's the best dog for you.

Now I gotta go now to enjoy our night. New flowers are planted and you want to eat them.

I love you. You are my sunshine.

Looking forward to our weekend together.
