Cash is around 2 pounds this week, like the head of a cauliflower and about 14 1/2 inches long. So far I am lucky that Cash does not move much in the night. Any movements are not enough to wake me. I think I am used to some of the smaller kicks and adjustments the kiddo does, unless it's very low and those are just uncomfortable.
This week the hubby had a much needed break from school/work and did some work in the garden and nursery. We had an accident with a shelf but nothing that some putty couldn't fix and at the end of the week the hole was patched and a new shelf was built and hung on the wall. I also received news that I passed my glucose test, but have low iron and I need to take a supplement. I have heard horrible stories over what iron will do to my already slow system, but I'll take it anyways if it is what the baby and I need.

We spent his last day/night of his break with breakfast at Cracker Barrel and running some errands. When we were headed home from our errands, we passed a truck in the Target parking lot with a sign that said "Kittens" First I am allergic, but I am a sucker for a cat and I miss having one around the house. I insisted we just go home and do not stop, but the hubs turned around anyway. He does all he can to make me we stopped and there were two left, a male and a female. We would have taken them both but another couple showed up and took the male. Our new baby is a brown tabby. Per the previous owner, she is around 7 weeks. Right now I am concerned because we think she does not know how to eat cat food but she will get there. She is using a litter box we provided so that's a plus. I do not want to be cleaning up messes all over the garage. We are throwing names around - Lyra (because it was a girl's name we had wanted to use) or Arya Stark. After getting the kitty settled in and doing some much needed organizing of the guest room closet, we finished our day with some Mexican food and The Avengers. If you haven't seen it you should go. It was excellent. Oh how I love thee Iron Man...
Today I celebrated my mom and grandmother with lunch at my mom's house. We had homemade salad with a copy cat Olive Garden dressing, Pioneer Woman lasagna, and a yellow cake mix, chocolate and peanut butter dessert I found on
pinterest. YUM. It was a good day minus the normal family drama. This is why you pick your friends ;)
I've had a few Happy Mother's Day comments, some cards and mom got me a cute dress but even if I am growing a life right now, I do not feel like a mother yet. Being a mother and what kind of mother I want to be is not something that is truly defined in my mind and I do not think this will take shape until Cash born. I know this will change and adapt in all of the stages of his/her life. My hope for my child to learn who they are along the way to adulthood. I hope to give them the tools to accomplish this - help them explore interests, constantly learning, and evolving. I am a believer that children learn by example, therefore I just hope to set the best example I know how for my child.
What lessons did you learn from your mother, grandmother, the most influential woman in your life? What do you hope to pass along to your children?
Happy Mother’s Day to all of the mothers out there. Hope your day is full of love...
**Here's the only pic I have been able to get of our new family member.