Dear Harrison,
You have had a busy time since you turned the ripe old age of 2 months ;)
You have been to the airport, Oktoberfest, and Cracker Barrel. Your Dad's best friend, Mike from Montana was in town. Your Aunt Brooke and I drove down to pick him up. You stayed awake the whole time. It's like you knew something fun was happening.
Welcome home Mike. |
Your Dad and Mike had several nights of guy stuff planned and we only joined them for Oktoberfest. I cannot wait to take you back year after year. You loved being outside and being with everyone. It was a hot day so you ended up just lounging in your diaper most of the time. You were just the perfect little man all day.
Playing with Averie |
You love your Aunt Brooke. |
Nap time. |
Silly boys. |
Uncle Steve, Stella, and Aunt Jess...she is having your future BFF Reme Lynn. |
Sweetness. |
Uncle Mitch...always eating ;) |
Momma, can we go home now? |
After Mike left we had a few days of your Dad being off of school and we used the time to relax. Then on Wednesday you had your 2 month appointment with Dr. B. He was so impressed with you and you handled your shots better than expected. He was happy to hear how well you are sleeping, eating, pooping, etc. He does not recommend we change a thing. He mentioned cereal and he says some will tell me it is a cure all but he disagrees and says it mostly just constipates babies. So we are just sticking to our routine my love.
You officially weigh 13.5 pounds, 23 1/2 inches long and your head circumference is 41 centimeters. You are in the 65th percentile in weight, 61st in height and 90th in head circumference. This means that you are above average (50th percentile being average) And your head circumference is your brain development, not just that you have a big noggin.
You might say we can get all excited over your high percentile of brain development but you cannot determine one's intelligence by a tape measure. Everyone has potential for greatness and as your Momma I will give you the tools necessary to exceed your potential.
I love you more and more each day.
So glad you guys finally got to experience Oktoberfest with us! I love you and that sweet, sweet boy. He is growing too fast!
What a precious post! I have no doubt he's going to be a smart boy. He'll get it from his parents for sure!
So excited about next year when Reme Lynn and Harrison will be able to play together! What fun!
Love you 3!
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