Friday, December 21, 2012

18 Weeks

My dearest boy,

It is the time of year when we are busy getting in last snuggles with friends and taking in every ounce of holiday we can.  We carried on this past week doing more Christmas activities and your 4 month check up.

The doc was happy with your progress my growing boy.

Wrapping presents.


You painted the dark green and the yellow "star" on our loose interpretation of a Christmas tree.

BFFs and their babies night of fun!!

We attended Averie's first dance recital.  We all left there with happy hearts and feeling proud of Miss A.  You did wonderful during the entire show even if the other groups performed to really bad hip hop Christmas music.

We also have some amazing news!!  I am going to have a sister and you are going to have an new Aunt.  Your Uncle Matthew turned 30 and proposed to his love, Jenny.  We are thrilled to death to welcome her into our family.  It is wonderful to see my "little" brother all grown up and finding his way in the world.  I am so very proud of him and the man he has grown to be.  He will be the best role model for you and will be there for you always.  He has a heart of gold.

You also met your UK BFF.  Our dear friends Jen and Drew are visiting for the holidays and we had some quality time with them.  Just having a few hours to spend with them makes it even more real that your Dad and I miss the UK.  We truly left part of our hearts there.

You also played with your US BF, Hess.  He is your Momma's high school best friend's little one.  After some years apart with college, distance, etc.  we are back in contact and now we have little boys!  We made some cookies for Santa.  Next year you can really make a mess with Hess :)

This weekend kicks off Christmas.  Tonight we are having Christmas with your Dad's family and then the start of the week our first Christmas as a family of three.  I am beyond thrilled that we have Christmas night all for us.  You will probably be worn out but that is ok my sweet.  You have many years to enjoy Christmas.  You are still so very little and will have no idea what the day is.  Now Santa will still visit you and as the years pass you will start to have your Christmas lists but you currently want for nothing.  You have shelter, clothes, a warm bed, parents that love you, and enough toys for you to enjoy.  I pray one day you learn the true meaning of Christmas and it is not about how many presents you get or how much they cost.  I want you to find the value in giving to others and being happy and thankful for what you have.  I promise your Dad and I will not let a milestone go by without you having some things you want and things that will make you a smarter more well rounded kid.    And to save for your college :)

Speaking of rolled over this week!!

I love you beyond measure.



Brooke Kelly Photography said...

Have LOVED spending so much time with you guys. You are my family and I love you so very, very much!!! So much more to come...

Nicole Elliott said...

Merry Christmas to you Harrison. You are so lucky to have a family filling you with love and memories :)