Friday, July 26, 2013
49 Weeks
Thursday, July 11, 2013
48 Weeks
There are weeks were I feel compelled to write a lot and share every detail of our week, but most weeks I want to keep those memories to myself. Keep them stored away so they are all mine. I have no doubt that you will never feel less loved and appreciated if I write you a book or write a few happenings. Honestly I doubt my ability to create something for a sibling if your Dad and I have another baby. This was started as a photography blog documenting your growth and for me it is still those first moments and little milestones that happen as you grow…it will not go on for much longer as I want to have another outlet to share our memories together. One that's for just us.
There are many things I could write for this past week of your life. Your Grand and I have been working so hard preparing for your Uncle Matthew’s rehearsal dinner. You have made Goodwill runs and been right beside us cleaning every corner. You’ve played outside as we have painted her deck and cleaned the pool. You have been patient and I could not ask for a better baby than you. And we could not have asked for a better rehearsal dinner night!! Everything was perfect...
You proved yourself as a great baby again on the Wedding Day. You got ready with the girls and were with us all day. All three of us played a special part in Matthew and Jenny’s day. Your Dad and I sang a song during the ceremony as your Uncle’s one request besides you acting as ring bearer. I am so proud of how well you rode down the aisle in Matthew’s old wagon. It was an exciting night as you will most likely never be a ring bearer again. It was perfect and you were a big hit at the wedding. You danced in my arms until you fell asleep. You were up WAY past your bedtime but it was worth it.
We’ve had some clean up days and took some time to relax following the wedding. We are going to continue that this weekend on the lake and by the pool with friends as we have one of our fave families in town for a few weeks and we cannot wait to spend time with them. Our weekends are filling up little man and it is wonderful. It is great to have amazing friends (who also have babies) it makes the journey that much sweeter.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
11 Months
Friday, July 5, 2013
46 Weeks
Dear Harrison,
We've had another eventful week!! We started off last weekend with a night at the zoo. The zoo shows "Zoovies" a few nights of the summer for members. We played with friends and rode the carousal before the movie started and we left just as it got dark enough for the movie to start. You were asleep by the time we were to the interstate. It will be fun when you can stay and watch but it was fun to be out with friends.

We were off bright and early on Sunday to head to the was a LONG and frustrating day. We were on the side of the interstate for hours but we finally made it on the water to enjoy some sunshine and friends.

This week we also enjoyed watching our grass being mowed, made some blueberry jelly, and climbed stairs.

Yesterday was the Fourth of July...America's birthday! It was a rainy day so no pool party as per our normal celebrations but we ended up with our favorite family by the time the day was done. I'm pretty sure they have adopted us. You got to play with 2 littles who were born last August like you. Cadence - Aug 2, you Aug 10 and Hudson Aug 29. It is wild to see the differences in your development and size. Cadence, the oldest, is rocking her walking skills. Hudson is now scooting around and pulling up on furniture. Soon you all will be everywhere!!!

Now the countdown to your Uncle Matthew's wedding is on...this week will be another busy one my love.
I love you,